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Only Up 3D

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The game Only up 3d is an exciting three-dimensional platformer. Here your only goal is to climb to the highest point. On this builds the entire gameplay and under this task built items on the location. Quality elaboration of the environment, unique gameplay and other features make the game exciting and attractive to a wide category of players.

How to pass?

You start from the lower location, where there is everywhere a hard surface, there are various mechanisms and even there are several paths of advancement. You are required to find your way to the one that will allow you to climb higher. There are no elevators or other auxiliary mechanisms here, so you will have to climb on your own every time along not always obvious paths. By finding suitable ledges on nearby platforms and mechanisms, you will be able to climb to a higher plane. From there, new opportunities will open up and you’ll see platforms for further advancement. Each jump and each step must be done carefully, because being on thin and awkwardly located areas it is easy to fall off and then it will be more difficult to get to the end. If you fall, you do not die, but you will start from the point where you fell.

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