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Wordle Unlimited

  1. 5
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5 (1 vote)

Wordle Unlimited is a browser version of the famous game in which you have to guess the word. If at the beginning it may seem that the riddle is unsolvable, then after trying a few times and understanding the basic principles, it will be difficult to break away from the next task.

How to play?

According to the rules you are given six attempts, during which you need to guess the word. It consists of 5 letters. This already narrows the infinite number of options available for guessing. Also, the word must be in the dictionary. Naturally, it will be difficult to guess on the first try, but you have to start somewhere. The first word can be entered any word that corresponds to the given parameters. After that, the player gets the necessary information for further advancement. The letters used by him will acquire color. If they are highlighted in gray, then there are no such letters in the riddled word. Orange background indicates that such a symbol is present, but it stands in a different place. Green background shows that this letter is in the same place in the word. When filling in the next field with the next variant, you can be guided by the above hints, which will help you to come to the correct answer.

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